woman with swollen feet putting on shoe
woman with swollen feet putting on shoe
woman with swollen feet putting on shoe

Venous Disease

Venous Disease Overview

静脉是一种薄壁结构,里面有一组瓣膜使体内的血液向一个方向流动. The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body’s tissues through thicker-walled arteries; the veins return that blood to the heart. 靠近皮肤表面的静脉被称为浅静脉,手臂和腿部肌肉中的静脉被称为深静脉.

Damaged vein walls hinder the circulatory system, 当肌肉放松时,允许血液以逆行(向后)的方式聚集和流动. This creates an unusually high pressure buildup in the veins. This buildup causes further stretching and twisting of the veins, increased swelling, more valve incompetence, sluggish blood flow and potential blood clot formation. 最终,这种情况会导致各种被称为静脉疾病的疾病.

Venous disease is quite common. 大约15%的美国人患有静脉曲张, which generally do not pose great health risk. However, thrombophlebitis can be much more serious, even life-threatening, affecting millions of people each year.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are twisted, 静脉肿胀靠近皮肤表面的静脉肿胀,当瓣膜薄弱或有缺陷使血液在静脉内回流或停滞时发生. Chronic obstruction of the veins can also cause varicose veins, but in most cases no underlying abnormality can be identified. 静脉曲张很常见,但女性的发病率是男性的两倍. Usually appearing in the legs, varicose veins may also occur in the anus, where they are known as hemorrhoids. While not a serious health risk, 静脉曲张可以因美观原因或引起不适而消除.

Superficial Thrombophlebitis

血栓性静脉炎是静脉的炎症(通常发生在四肢), (尤指其中一条腿)由于血管中有血块而引起的. When it occurs in a vein near the surface of the skin, it is known as superficial thrombophlebitis, a minor disorder commonly identified by a red, tender vein.

Deep-vein Thrombophlebitis

深静脉血栓性静脉炎(影响皮肤表面以下较大的静脉)更为严重. 它最初可能产生不太明显的症状(所有病例中有一半是无症状的),但有肺栓塞(当血块从其起源位置分离并移动到肺部)和慢性静脉功能不全(通过静脉的血液流出受损)的风险。, resulting in dermatitis, increased skin pigmentation and swelling.

When to Call Your Doctor

Call your doctor if you have a painful, swollen vein that does not disappear in a few days, or if you have unexplained swelling in an arm or leg.


Symptoms of venous disease include:

  • Varicose Veins: enlarged, swollen, knotted clusters of purple veins; edema (swelling in the legs); aching or a sensation of heaviness in the legs; itching skin above the affected veins; skin discoloration and ulcers on the inner aspect of the ankles (in advanced cases).
  • Superficial thrombophlebitis: 静脉充血一种红色、充血的索状静脉,伴有局部肿胀、疼痛或压痛.
  • Deep-vein thrombophlebitis: generalized swelling, warmth and redness in the affected limb; distention of superficial veins; bluish skin color in the limb or toes (cyanosis); and rarely, fever and chills.

Johns Hopkins Vein Center

doctor examining patient's leg




  • Stagnation of blood flow due to immobility. 这在卧床不起的推荐十大正规网赌平台中很常见(如心脏病患者和那些经历过任何类型的大手术或整形手术的人), (尤指臀部或膝盖)和长时间坐着或躺着不动的健康人, on a long trip.
  • Blood vessel injury, caused by trauma, intravenous catheters or needles, chemotherapeutic agents, or infectious organisms.
  • Conditions that increase the tendency for blood to coagulate, 如家族性抗凝血因子缺乏或系统性红斑狼疮等疾病.
  • 妊娠和静脉曲张与浅表性血栓性静脉炎的高风险相关.
  • 深静脉血栓性静脉炎与许多不同的癌症有关.


Follow prevention tips as recommended by your doctor. These can include walking, controlling weight, 穿低跟鞋,避免长时间保持一个姿势坐着或站着.


Following a heart attack or major surgery, 建议使用低剂量的抗凝剂(如肝素或华法林). 在这些活动之后,也建议尽快站起来走动.


Varicose vein 可以通过观察静脉来诊断,不需要看医生. 在某些情况下,可以在静脉注射造影剂(静脉造影术)后拍摄x光片以突出静脉.

Doctors can usually diagnose superficial thrombophlebitis based on your medical history and a physical examination.



  • Elevated feet. 用木块将床脚从2英寸升高到4英寸,以促进夜间血液循环.
  • 避免抓挠静脉曲张上方发痒的皮肤,因为这可能导致溃疡或大量出血.
  • 医生可能会建议你穿特殊的弹性支撑丝袜,以防止血液在静脉中淤积.

Surgical options for treating varicose veins include the following:

  • Sclerotherapy is an option for superficial varicose veins. In this outpatient procedure, 医生给小静脉曲张和中度静脉曲张注射一种溶液,在这些静脉上留下疤痕. 这个过程会关闭静脉,迫使你的血液重新流向更健康的血管.
  • Laser therapy and other evolving technologies are among newer options.
  • Surgical ligation (tying off) and removal 严重病例的最终治疗方法是静脉曲张剥脱. Other veins compensate for the absent ones.

Non-surgical care for thrombophlebitis may include:

  • 如果诊断为浅表性血栓性静脉炎,医生会建议你做手术 up and active. 你也应该经常检查,以确保血凝块没有进展.
  • Patients with deep-vein thrombophlebitis may require hospitalization, though some patients can be seen on an outpatient basis. Bed rest and elevation of the affected limb are essential. The doctor will usually prescribe an anti-clotting medication, usually heparin, to be given intravenously for seven to ten days. Outpatients are given anti-clotting pills.
  • Clot-dissolving agents如尿激酶或组织纤溶酶原激活剂,可用于解决病情.
  • Special elastic support stockings may be prescribed to aid circulation in the lower limbs.
  • The doctor may implant a small filter 在你腹部的主静脉里防止腿部的血块流入肺部.

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