Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids: Frequently Asked Questions

The Food and Drug Administration’s recent rule has expanded access to hearing aids by creating a new category of hearing aids: over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids. 消费者可以在零售店和网上购买,购买前不需要去看医生或听力学家. Although involvement of an audiologist is not required, 对非处方助听器感兴趣的人可能有很多问题可以由专业人士回答. The Johns Hopkins Division of Audiology 提供指导,帮助您决定OTC助听器是否适合您,以及如何选择一个.

What are OTC hearing aids?

OTC助听器的实施是为了帮助那些被认为有轻度到中度听力损失的成年人,他们可能在任何听力情况下都不需要助听器. 非处方助听器可能有助于增强说话能力,并为听力正常但偶尔听力困难的人改善沟通.

传统上通过听力学家购买的助听器现在被FDA标记为“处方助听器”.“与处方助听器相比,OTC助听器的响度输出和特点有限. Both categories of devices share some of the same features, however the amount of customization, functions, and computer processing varies greatly between them. The variety, 随着新的OTC助听器进入市场,OTC助听器的质量和功能每周都会发生变化.

Why should I see an audiologist before getting an OTC hearing aid?

An audiologist is a licensed, certified professional who specializes in helping patients with hearing loss. While OTC devices do not require a diagnostic hearing test, 他们确实依靠消费者来确定他们是否有轻度到中度的听力损失. Many people are not able to accurately determine their degree of hearing loss. 由听力学家完成的诊断性听力测试将提供有关听力损失程度和类型的准确信息.

听力学家可以帮助你确定OTC或处方助听器是否适合你的沟通需要, or if you need a consultation with an otologist (ear physician). 听力测试也可以用于自行安装OTC设备或精确编程处方设备. There is an overwhelming amount of information available on hearing technologies, 你的听力学家可以为你提供清晰的思路和方向,帮助你改善沟通.

Are hearing tests covered by health insurance?

Yes, the majority of health insurances cover hearing testing. The billing code, 或听力学家用于诊断性听力测试的CPT代码为92557(综合听力学评估).

Can children use OTC hearing aids?

No, OTC hearing aids are for people over the age of 18. 当涉及到与儿童生长发育有关的处方助听器时,儿童有特定的需求. 随着婴儿和幼儿的成长和耳朵大小的变化,他们需要新的耳套. Children require special techniques performed by a licensed, trained audiologist to properly program hearing aids to accurate settings. 他们还需要定期跟踪监测进展,并确保达到语音和语言的里程碑.

Does health insurance cover hearing aids?

Coverage for hearing aids varies between insurance companies and plans. Some insurances provide coverage for prescription hearing aids. In Maryland, 许多成年医疗援助患者可以通过由听力学家完成的批准程序获得助听器. 一些私人保险计划覆盖全部或部分助听器的总费用. Medicare does not cover hearing aids currently. 有一些财政援助项目允许患者申请和接受新的助听器.

OTC助听器市场非常新,目前还不清楚保险公司目前是否为处方助听器提供保险,是否会为非处方助听器提供保险. 当你与约翰霍普金斯大学听力学部预约助听器时, we will check with your insurance and help you navigate these details.

What should I consider when choosing an OTC hearing aid?

There are some things to consider when choosing a hearing device. OTC助听器市场直接面向消费者,这意味着您既是消费者又是患者. 一些处方助听器制造商也在听力学家的参与下生产OTC助听器. Consider the following items when researching your OTC hearing aid options:

Durability and Cost

  • Is there a trial period with option to return the device?
  • How much does it cost? Is that for one device or for a pair?
  • Can I use my health insurance or HSA/FSA to purchase an OTC hearing aid?
  • Is there a warranty that covers losing the OTC hearing aid?
  • Can I get the device repaired if it stops working?
  • What if it doesn’t fit in my ear?
  • Is it waterproof?

Ease of Use and Function

  • Do I need to have a smartphone to use the OTC hearing aid?
  • Do I need to install an app on my phone to tune the device?
  • Does it work with both iPhone and Android phones?
  • Is the device rechargeable or does it require weekly battery changing?
  • Is the OTC hearing aid Bluetooth compatible where I can stream my phone calls and music?
  • 我可否参加听力测试,以调整非处方助听器,使其更符合我的听力需要?
  • Is there online support or a telehealth option?

People have to shout in order for me to hear. Should I buy an OTC hearing aid?

如果你在安静的环境中听不懂别人的谈话,而别人在你能听到之前就大喊大叫, then an OTC hearing aid will likely not be appropriate for you. OTC hearing aids are meant to assist people with a perceived mild to moderate hearing loss. More severe hearing loss would require prescription hearing aids fit by an audiologist. 由听力学家进行的诊断性听力测试可以帮助确定改善听力的最佳方法. Both OTC and prescription hearing aids are an investment, and you would want to make sure you will have a successful outcome.

I hear the phone better in one ear than the other. Will an OTC hearing aid help in this situation?

When the hearing is better in one ear than the other, it is recommended to have a diagnostic hearing test. We typically expect both ears to hear the same way. When there are differences in hearing between the ears, 诊断性听力测试可以帮助排除更严重的问题,可能需要更具体的医疗照顾. The hearing test results may indicate the need to also see an otologist (ear physician). 有些听力损失可以通过药物或手术治疗,可能不需要助听器. If a hearing aid is found to be the appropriate recommendation, 医生可以提供医疗许可,然后与听力学家进一步讨论OTC设备或处方助听器.

How Johns Hopkins Division of Audiology Can Help

约翰霍普金斯大学的听力学家不断研究新技术和现有资源,以最好地帮助患者满足他们的个人听力保健需求. 约翰霍普金斯大学听力学部门帮助患者使用任何技术进行预约. If we are not familiar with the device, we may need to contact the manufacturer or research the device further.

Helping You Set Up or Use Your OTC Hearing Aid

对于一些非处方助听器,我们可以进行电声分析来评估其性能和功能. 我们可以帮助你导航应用程序的安装,或者确保设备正确地安装在你的耳朵里. 如果您目前的设备不能满足您的期望或提供足够的好处,我们可以提供其他选择. 如果您想要探索您的助听器选择或查看您当前的设备,我们建议您安排预约,以便预留适当的时间为您提供最好的护理.

Johns Hopkins Audiology

Our team of audiologists provides hearing testing, hearing aid selection and fitting, and implantable hearing devices for people of all ages. 

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