Percutaneous Cholangioscopy

What is a Percutaneous Cholangioscopy procedure?

A percutaneous cholangioscopy procedure treats gallstones in the gallbladder, known as cholelithiasis, 对于不能手术切除胆囊的患者. Patients with stones in the bile ducts, known as choledocholithiasis, 以及那些由于解剖改变手术而不能接受传统手术的患者.

经皮胆管镜检查由介入放射科医生进行, 使用x射线和其他先进的成像技术来观察身体内部并在不手术的情况下治疗疾病的医生. 与透视检查相比,介入放射科医生的直接可视化可以更好地控制用于去除结石的仪器.

经皮胆道镜检查有助于鉴别良恶性肿块和狭窄, 以及术前胆管癌的分期.

What You Need to Know

  • 胆管镜检查程序最适合那些不能进行传统胆结石手术或不能以标准方式切除胆管结石的患者.
  • 胆道镜检查是一种安全有效的手术,由经验丰富的介入医生进行,并了解减少并发症的技术.
  • 胆道造影引导下胆道或胆结石的切除是非常成功的, 在80%的病例中,胆囊或胆管结石被完全清除.

Why might I need a Percutaneous Cholangioscopy procedure?

  • 经皮胆管镜检查程序适用于不能接受传统手术的患者

  • 有胆囊引流管但不能切除胆囊

  • 胆管结石由于手术改变了肠道/胆汁解剖结构而不能以标准方式治疗

 Gallbladder problems may cause pain which:

  • Is usually on the right side or middle of your upper belly

  • May be constant or may get worse after a heavy meal

  • May sometimes feel more like fullness than pain

  • 可能在你的背部和右肩胛骨尖端有感觉吗

其他症状可能包括恶心、呕吐、发烧和发冷. 胆囊问题的症状可能看起来像其他健康问题. Always see your healthcare provider to be sure.


What happens during an Percutaneous Cholangioscopy procedure?

经皮胆管镜检查是通过在皮肤上做一个小切口来进行的, and advancing a needle into the bile ducts or gallbladder. 将碘化造影剂注入胆管以定位可能引起阻塞的胆结石. 在短时间内(几周)增加引流导管的尺寸后, 然后可以通过经皮胆管镜检查来治疗结石.



平均需要两次镜检查才能清除推荐十大正规网赌平台的结石. After the stones are removed, 导管将在原位放置几周,以确保胆囊/胆汁系统完好无损,然后取出.

How to Prepare:

  • 手术前8 - 12小时内不能进食或饮水.

  • If you are on blood-thinning medication, 询问你的医生你是否需要在手术前停止它.

During the Procedure

  • 手术前你会被要求换上一件长袍.

  • You will be given a sedative by the anesthesiologist, 谁将在检查时监视你的生命体征.

  • The IR doctor will go through the tube in the duodenum, 胃管连接胃和小肠的一种中空的连接管.

After the Procedure

  • 你要待在恢复室里直到镇静剂的大部分作用消失.

  • Because of sedation used during the procedure, you’ll need to make plans to have someone take you home.

Common Side Effects

  • Discomfort at the insertion site

  • Low grade fevers

  • Nausea

The following are x-ray images of the bile ducts, 胆囊切除术前后经皮胆道镜检查显示胆囊结石.

A gallbladder with a large stone.

This picture shows a gallbladder with a large stone. 箭头指向一个较小的引流导管,该导管被插入以缓解压力. 管的尺寸将增加,直到它是一个足够大的尺寸来处理石头.


A gallbladder with a large drainage catheter inserted.

此图显示插入较大引流管的胆囊. 插入较大的导管治疗胆结石堵塞. 经皮胆管镜检查后,可拔除引流管.





活动性胆管炎(即胆管炎症或感染)患者不应进行经皮胆管镜检查, 因为邻近感染扩散的风险增加,以及血液中细菌引起的全身性疾病.

潜在的并发症包括胆道出血(胆道出血), infection of the biliary track (cholangitis), bacteria in the blood (bacteremia), biliary drainage catheter migration or blockage, and ductal injuries like perforation and bleeding.

Next Steps


  • Before your visit, write down questions you want answered.

  • 带一个人来帮你问问题,记住你的医生告诉你的.

  • At the visit, write down the names of treatments, or tests, and any new instructions your provider gives you.

  • 如果你有后续预约,写下日期、时间和目的.

  • Know how you can contact your provider if you have questions.

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