Congratulations to Our 2021 Excellence in 护理 Awardees!

Baltimore Magazine Excellence in 护理 Awards 2021

今年, 10 outstanding Johns Hopkins nurses have been named “top nurses” by Baltimore magazine and are being presented with the publication’s 2021 Excellence in 护理 award.

The winning nurses are chosen from hundreds of nominations submitted by peers, 主管和患者. Baltimore magazine enlists an expert panel of senior R.N. advisers to review the nominations and select the top 106 nurses in 19 specialties.

Meet Johns Hopkins’ 2021 Excellence in 护理 award winners, 听听为什么每个人都为自己是护士而自豪.

凯莉·比勒菲尔德,R.N., B.S.N., C.P.N.


Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, Pediatric Specialty Care Clinic

我很自豪能成为一名护士,因为照顾, 同情, comfort and support we provide our patients and 他们的家庭.


查德·鲍曼,m.d.S.N., R.N., C.F.R.N., N.R.-P.


The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Lifeline Critical Care Transport Team

团队精神和同志精神让我为成为一名护士而自豪. The past year has been an exceptional challenge for health care workers not only professionally but personally as well. 富兰克林·D. Roosevelt said “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.尽管面临这些挑战, 我们不仅学到了很多东西, 但我们也成长为一个团队. I’m honored to be part of both the Lifeline and Biocontainment Unit teams where teamwork and comradery are a constant regardless of the challenge.


Robinah米. 坎贝尔,米.S.N., R.N.


The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Weinberg Oncology, 5A/B, 4B Hematology

My 同情 comes from my mother, Olive, who was a nurse. She cultivated and maintained my caring spirit of others. As we take care of our oncology patients during some of the most challenging moments of their lives — treatment for leukemia and various other cancers — I am grateful for those who were and are around me. 在过去的23年, I have enjoyed working and growing with the most 同情ate, 这是一群有韧性、有思想的护士和工作人员. 正如玛雅·安杰洛所说:“作为一名护士, 我们有机会治愈心灵, 心, 灵魂, 和我们推荐十大正规网赌平台的身体, 他们的家庭, 和我们自己. They may not remember your name, but they will never forget the way you made them feel.


罗拉L. 克劳森,M.S.N., C.R.N.P.

Assistant Professor / Founder and Director of ALS Clinical and 研究 Services

Johns Hopkins University 医学院, Johns Hopkins ALS Clinic – Department of Neurology
Winner in the Neurology/Psychology/Behavioral 健康 category

My career in nursing began with the goal of making a caring and 同情ate difference in the lives of patients and 他们的家庭. 在霍普金斯渐冻症诊所, we are able to provide 同情ate caring in addition to cutting-edge clinical research opportunities, thus impacting positively the lives of our ALS patients and families we care for every day.


杰德·弗林,M.S.N., R.N., C.C.R.N., C.N.R.N.



我珍惜床边护理, 我发现这是最有价值的, 这是我职业中令人兴奋的一部分. 护理 gives you the rare honor of immersing yourself into the life of another for 12 hours, 我不会错过这种亲密的机会. 12小时, 我被授权成为一个激烈的倡导者, 熟练的技术人员, 有同理心的倾听, 足智多谋的问题解决者, 也是一个真正的,无价的团队成员.


尼科尔·詹齐,m.s.S.H.S., R.N., A.M.B.-B.C.

Assistant Director of 护理 Practices and Clinical Education

Johns Hopkins Community Physicians, Department of Education and Training

I am most proud of the people I work with and their dedication to making every patient and every team member feel at ease during an often-stressful event. Whether it be a patient receiving an injection or a new employee learning a challenging skill, hearing how we made the experience exceed their expectations brings me the greatest joy.


Chrissy kongeorgos, D.N.P., R.N., P.C.C.N.


约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心, Progressive/Immediate Care Unit and COVID-19 Intermediate Care Unit

每天都有机会影响人们的生活. It is rewarding to know I can inspire others and touch the lives of not only patients, 但是家庭和同龄人. I aspire to challenge myself every day to make changes that help me to grow as a nurse.


贝丝L. R .科扎克·奥纳斯.N., M.S.N.


Johns Hopkins University 医学院, GI Oncology Immunology

I have been an oncology nurse for over 31 years and an oncology research nurse for 22 years. What makes me most proud is being part of the advances in cancer treatment and toxicity management. Being on the forefront of immunotherapy research has given me much hope that we will be able to treat certain cancers, 比如胰腺癌, 作为一种慢性病, 怎样才能让推荐十大正规网赌平台过上充实的生活. 在大型学术机构工作, I have the privilege of caring for a diverse patient population. I feel honored to get to know these patients and 他们的家庭 and be part of their cancer treatment journey.


埃德·麦克谢利,B.S.N., R.N.-B.C.

R.N. 3

约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心, Creative Alternatives, Community Psychiatry Program

I am inspired every day by the excellence and mission of my nursing colleagues, 在许多临床医生的合作下, 员工和那些来我们这里寻求照顾的人.

Ed Macsherry

玛琳·梅耶,m.m.S., B.S.N., R.N.-B.C.


The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Meyer 5 – Schizophrenia and General Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry

What drives me most is sharing that deep sense of joy with psychiatry patients when they leave the hospital, 蓬勃发展的, 准备好面对世界. What energizes me is the kindness and good-natured humor of my team and the support of Hopkins 护理 to reach further, 开展循证实践和研究, and to use the power of collaboration to provide the best care possible.

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