
许多精神疾病在生命早期就开始了. 诊断和治疗患病的儿童和青少年对他们未来的生活质量非常重要. Our ambitious goal of preventing mental illness requires the discovery of complex causes and the development of earlier and more effective intervention. 这些愿望对整个心理健康产生了影响.

Our researchers investigate a broad range of psychiatric illnesses with faculty and staff across three campuses in Baltimore. 该司的工作也遍及全州, national, 国际合作遍及美国, Canada, the UK, Ethiopia, Nepal and beyond. 研究由NIMH资助, SAMHSA, 马里兰州, 私人基金会和个人捐助者也提供了慷慨的支持. 我们目前的研究方法和途径是多种多样的, 从分子分析, to neuroimaging, 行为干预测验, 以及临床药物试验. Learn more about the specific research projects of each principal investigator linked below the following general topic area descriptions.


ADHD | Anxiety Disorders | 自闭症谱系障碍 | Behavioral Medicine | Childhood Trauma | Community Outreach | 情绪/自我调节过程 | Mood Disorders | 神经发育障碍 |肥胖、饮食失调 | 强迫症和神经精神障碍 | Schizophrenia | 物质使用障碍


多动症是儿童时期最常见的行为诊断. 它会导致高昂的医疗费用,并可能导致学业成绩不佳, 成人精神疾病, substance abuse, 以及犯罪行为. 长期以来的观察表明,患有多动症的儿童通常表现出运动控制方面的困难, 我们的一些研究是通过正念运动训练来衡量认知和行为控制方面的收益, especially Tai Chi. Other studies are examining the inhibitory and reward mechanisms in the brains of prepubescent children with ADHD and others are comparing attention, learning, memory, reward response, 自我控制和运动技能的研究. Other research has focused on the association between ADHD and possible associations with other dysregulated behaviors such as binge eating. 我们也在研究adhd相关的性别差异以及进入青春期后大脑结构和功能的变化.

Investigators: Dejan Budimirovic, M.D., Matthew Burkey, M.D., Susan Carnell, Ph.D., Susan dosReis, Ph.D.罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D., MBA, Bradley Grant, D.O., Lisa Jacobson, Ph.D., Carmen Lopez-Arvizu, M.D., Mark Mahone, Ph.D.., Stewart Mostofsky, M.D., Rick Ostrander, Ed.D., Alison Pritchard, Ph.D., Keri Rosch, Ph.D., Karen Seymour, Ph.D., Rebecca Vaurio, Ph.D.贝内代托·维蒂洛,m.p.D.

Anxiety Disorders

焦虑症是青少年中最常见的精神疾病. 它们与严重的残疾有关, 它们被认为是入门障碍——因为它们预示着成人精神疾病. 为了扩大数据的长期有效性和成本效益的系统性努力,以防止焦虑, a number of our researchers are working on a long-range follow-up of a preventive intervention for anxiety disorders in high risk offspring of anxious parents. Others are using a modular cognitive-behavioral intervention (M-CBT) with children in the Baltimore City School system to reduce excessive anxiety and improve their educational outcomes. 还有一些人正在测试以呼吸为导向的治疗青少年恐慌症的方法.

Investigators: Dejan Budimirovic, M.D., Marco Grados, M.D., Courtney Keeton, Ph.D., Mark Riddle, M.D., Roma Vasa, M.D.


Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a class of neuro-developmental disorders characterized by impairments in social functioning and communication. “ASD”一词包括自闭症, 未另行说明的广泛性发育障碍, 和阿斯伯格综合症. 我们的研究人员正在研究神经心理学, 自闭症患者一生中的学习和交流过程, 特别注重早期诊断, 社会心理和药物干预以改善功能. 其他人正在研究包括多动症在内的与ASD相关的共同发病条件, 焦虑和唐氏综合症. Genetic and metabolic disorders that appear with autistic features that may offer a window into the underlying mechanisms for the development of an ASD are being explored as well.

Investigators: Lynn Bowman, M.A.Dejan Budimirovic, M.D.罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D., MBA, 梅丽莎·戈德堡博士.D., Rebecca Landa, Ph.D.Rajneesh Mahajan, M.D., Stewart Mostofsky, M.D., Na Young Ji, M.D.Jennifer Zarcone博士.D.


精神疾病, 再加上其他的医疗条件, 通常会提出特殊的临床挑战,有时会提供指导研究的线索. For example, our researchers are investigating the brain-behavior relationships in children affected by hearing loss in order to develop appropriate assessment tools for behavioral conditions. 医学和行为治疗相结合似乎是达到最佳效果的最有效方法. 符合这一领域的研究者, 教师正在评估共同发生的疾病作为临床复杂患者治疗结果的调节因素, 伴发创伤性脑损伤青少年情绪调节的发展, 癫痫和癫痫发作)和行为方法,以提高对医疗程序的依从性, 药物治疗和生活方式的改变.

Investigators: Adrianna Amari, Ph.D.杰西卡·汉金森博士.D., Mark Mahone, Ph.D., Rick Ostrander, Ed.D., Carisa Perry-Parrish博士.D.乔纳森·佩夫斯纳,m.s.D.Jennifer Reesman博士.D., Jay Salpekar, M.D., Keith Slifer, Ph.D., Beth Slomine, Ph.D., Roma Vasa, M.D., Andrew Zabel, Ph.D.

Childhood Trauma

儿童创伤的研究工作从神经生物学到社会政策都有广泛的涉猎. The focus on neurobiology derives from emerging findings on the long-term effects of early stress on brain development and overall health and well being. The focus on social policy comes from strong evidence on the impact of the social environment in moderating the effects of early adversity. 研究工作包括对心理健康评估和治疗结果的研究, brain imaging, 遗传和环境因素(如.g.(创伤、社会支持),这些都能提高风险和复原力. 遭受虐待的儿童, neglect, 或者多个照顾者的压力反应神经生物系统发生了变化. Some of our researchers are studying trauma as a factor in discovering biomarker profiles for children with disruptive behavior disorder and anxiety disorder/OCD.

Investigators: Lynn Bowman, M.A., Matthew Burkey, M.D., Deborah Gross, DNSc罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D., MBA, Joan Kaufman, Ph.D., Leslie Miller, M.D., Carolina Vidal, M.D., Albert Zachik, M.D.


我们的临床医生努力将心理健康考虑纳入初级保健儿科设置, 向少数族裔和服务欠缺的社区提供服务, and to care for patients and their families throughout the hospital who are coping with acute and chronic medical conditions. Some of these clinicians are also doing health services research to find the best ways to reach out and to impact young lives including parenting programs, 与社会服务机构和寄养儿童建立伙伴关系. On a larger scale, 其他人正在研究卫生资源和服务, forensic psychiatry, 行为健康筛查, 青少年抑郁教育项目以及自杀干预和预防方法对公众健康有益.

Investigators: Shannon Barnett, M.D., Lindsay Borden, Ph.D., Matthew Burkey, M.D., Mary Cwik, Ph.D., Emily Frosch, M.D., Deborah Gross, DNSc,杰西卡·汉金森博士.D., Joyce Harrison, M.D., Justine Larson, M.D., Dora Logue, M.D., Rick Ostrander, Ed.D., Maryland Pao, M.D., Carisa Perry-Parrish博士.D., Rheanna Platt, M.D., Cynthia Salorio, M.D., Cynthia Ward, Psy.D., Holly Wilcox, Ph.D., Larry Wissow, M.D., Andrea Young, Ph.D.


父母和临床医生的中心目标都是实现和维持儿童的健康发展. 青少年情绪调节的发展是适应性心理社会功能的标志和解释. 儿童的识别能力, understand, 并在整合情绪信息的同时,根据人际关系(如人际关系)管理自己的行为.e.(如社交)和人际关系(如社交).e.(个人)目标是情绪调节的本质. 情绪调节过程可能会受到精神病理的不利影响.g.多动症,情绪障碍).

Investigators: Carisa Perry-Parrish博士.D., Karen Seymour, Ph.D., Leslie Miller, M.D., 伊丽莎白·雷诺兹博士.D.

Mood Disorders

Mood disorders such as major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BPD) are associated with many negative consequences including suicide, 12-17岁儿童和青少年死亡的第二大原因. 我们参与了一项大型多地点研究名为躁狂症状纵向评估(LAMS3). This study examines the progression of mental disorders from childhood to early adulthood by following the progression of elevated symptoms of mania using neuroimaging and neurocognitive testing to ascertain which psychiatric symptoms in early childhood are predictors of developing bipolar disorder. We are also home to multiple clinical trials for new safe and effective medications for major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder in children and adolescents as well as longitudinal studies to evaluate safety of drug treatments currently in use.

Researchers are also studying the effect of Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) on youth diagnosed with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) and severe mood dysregulation (SMD). 患有DMDD的青少年有慢性易怒和愤怒情绪,并伴有过度反应, 爆发的表现为爆发的. 这些青少年在多个功能领域(学校)面临严重受损的风险, peers, home). 我们的研究人员正在研究IPT,目的是改善情绪症状和人际交往. Researchers are also developing culturally sensitive diagnostic tools for disruptive behavior disorder in global child mental health.

Investigators: Dejan Budimirovic, M.D罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D. 工商管理硕士,布拉德利·格兰特博士.O., Elizabeth Kastelic, m.s.D., Leslie Miller, M.D., Rick Ostrander, Ed.D., Carisa Perry-Parrish博士.D., Matthew Burkey, M.D., MPH


神经发育障碍的研究包括影响儿童健康的广泛领域. 我们的研究包括寻找罕见的脆性X综合征的早期遗传诊断, Rett syndrome, Down syndrome, x连锁智力障碍, Smith-Lemli-Opitz综合征和其他疾病. 研究人员还在研究如何更好地评估和成功治疗严重的行为障碍,如自残, pica, and aggression. Also being studied are developmental disorders such as autism and intellectual disabilities and how youth with these conditions may be at risk for disruptive behavior disorder. Additionally, clinical trials of medication to safely and effectively treat genetic disorders and sleep disturbances are also taking place. 其他神经发育障碍的描述也可以在这些研究亮点的主题中找到.

Investigators: Lynn Bowman, M.A., Dejan Budimirovic, M.D.迈克尔·卡尔塔多博士.D.罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D., MBA, Louis Hagopian, Ph.D., James C. Harris, M.D., John Huete, Ph.D., Julia O’Connor, Ph.D., Mark Mahone, Ph.D.格里芬·鲁克博士.D.韦恩·西尔弗曼博士.D., Lee Wachtel, M.D.


儿童肥胖影响了美国约三分之一的儿童和青少年.S. 并对当前和未来的健康损害造成重大风险, 以及与饮食有关的疾病,如饮食失控和暴食症. 儿童早期/中期肥胖是常见的,可能反映出一种独特的、高风险的、早发的形式. 使用行为和神经成像方法的结合, 我们的研究人员正在探索体重和饮食相关的饮食行为差异, cognition, 以及儿童和青少年的大脑结构和功能. 他们还在研究饮食行为与焦虑和多动症等共病障碍之间的关系. 行为机制研究, such as impulsivity, 这可能会导致暴饮暴食等饮食失调行为, 还有其他感兴趣的领域吗.

Investigators: Susan Carnell, Ph.D.


图雷特综合症和抽动障碍是影响1%至3%儿童和青少年的神经行为障碍. However, 我们的研究人员发现了一种特殊的行为干预, 重点是持续减少抽动症状, 和药物治疗一样有效, 但是没有药物治疗的副作用. 约翰霍普金斯大学被指定为妥瑞氏症卓越中心. 其他研究侧重于评估共发障碍(ADHD), OCD and anxiety disorders) as moderators of treatment outcome as well as developing and evaluating clinical algorithms for combining available empirically supported treatments for clinically complex patients.

其他的研究集中在儿童强迫症的遗传学上. Studies include the familial phenotype of obsessive-compulsive disorder in relation to tic disorders and autism traits in children and adolescents with Cornelia de Lange syndrome. 小儿强迫症的药物治疗也在这里进行了研究.

Investigators: Marco Grados, M.D., MPH, Mark Riddle, M.D.


Schizophrenia is a chronic and devastating illness that often bringing with it hallucinations and delusions as well as deficits in emotion, 动机,社会和认知功能. 它通常出现在青春期晚期和成年早期, 但越来越多的证据表明,这种疾病的主要风险出现在神经发育的早期. 在分子水平上, we are studying the cells of adolescents and young adults to characterize biomarker changes over the early course of psychotic disease. We are also conducting multiple clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of a number of drugs to treat symptoms in adolescents with schizophrenia or a related psychiatric disorder.

Investigators: Dejan Budimirovic, M.D罗伯特·芬德林,m.s.D., MBA, Carolyn Howell, M.D.


青少年药物使用给青少年及其家庭带来了重大的临床和公共卫生问题. 发展中的研究领域包括有药物滥用障碍(SUD)高风险的青少年, 社会压力对青少年冒险行为的影响, 以及识别预测青少年SUD的生物标志物.

Investigators: 克里斯托弗·哈蒙德,M.D.米歇尔·霍纳,民主党人.O., 伊丽莎白·雷诺兹博士.D.Geeta Subramaniam, m.s.D.