The Armstrong Institute 卓越诊断中心

越来越多的证据表明,诊断错误是最常见的, catastrophic and costly of all medical errors. 它们很难识别,而且往往不被发现,直到为时已晚. 诊断安全和质量科学仍然不发达,资金不足.

The center, which is the first of its kind in the world, 提供唯一的, collaborative, transdisciplinary environment for clinicians, researchers, engineers and data experts to work together to tackle the challenges of medical misdiagnosis. 阿姆斯特朗研究所卓越诊断中心是为了解决这一危险而昂贵的问题而诞生的. Housed in the Armstrong Institute and led by Dr. 大卫Newman-Toker, a world leader in diagnostic error research, 该中心计划消除诊断错误对患者造成的可预防的伤害.



  • An estimated 12 million Americans are affected each year, and perhaps one-third are harmed as a result.
  • 这些错误可能导致美国每年可预防的4万至8万人死亡.S. hospitals.

Though appropriate use of diagnostic tests can help combat diagnostic errors and add value to patient-centered care, more testing alone will not deliver diagnostic value. The costs of advanced diagnostic tests are spiraling upward faster than any sector of the health care industry, 不恰当地过度使用诊断测试只会使成本成倍增加. 诊断错误和诊断测试的过度使用是需要大胆解决的全球性问题, 创新的解决方案.

Eighth Annual 卓越的诊断 Summit: Measuring 卓越的诊断 – from Data to Implementation

2024年约翰霍普金斯阿姆斯特朗研究所卓越诊断中心峰会将重点关注卓越诊断的衡量. 这一事件是医疗保健专业人员和研究人员渴望深入研究及时的意义的关键聚会, accurate and well-communicated diagnosis.


该中心的第一个标志性举措将是解决约翰霍普金斯医院急诊科的中风误诊问题. Future initiatives will address sepsis and cancer diagnosis. Together, 这些举措将解决“三大”问题,它们至少占所有诊断错误的三分之一,可能占诊断错误造成的伤害的一半以上.


  • More than 1 million people in the United States suffer a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA, 或中风前), with about three in four being first-time strokes.
  • 中风是美国第五大死因, 近130人死亡,每年有1000人, 或者每4分钟一个. 每20个死亡中就有一个.
  • 中风是导致长期残疾的主要原因,也是最容易预防的疾病之一. Rapid access to treatment reduces brain injury, 防止并发症, 避免轻微中风后的严重中风,改善患者预后.
  • Minor, 目前有30%到50%的早期中风被漏诊, often when patients have common symptoms — dizziness, vertigo, headaches — that are diagnosed as a less serious problem.
  • 及时的诊断和正确的治疗可以预防死亡和残疾.

Currently, 缺乏及时的治疗会导致可预防的伤害,因为患者在未确诊的轻微中风后会发生严重中风. 我们的目标是在五年内将未中风造成的危害减少一半.

Our Multi-pronged Implementation Approach


We will train providers in the latest bedside diagnostic techniques using state-of-the art educational simulations. 这些将包括基于屏幕的认知技能案例模拟,以及针对精神运动技能的新颖部分任务训练器. Our simulations will be driven by real-world data from our ongoing AVERT clinical trial (Clinical NCT02483429).

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We will launch the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program to Improve Diagnosis (CUSPID). 这个被称为CUSP的非常成功的文化变革框架的改编版本,将专门针对通过当地实现卓越诊断, grass-roots efforts that identify diagnostic error problems, determine causes and envision solutions.



我们将应用尖端技术来提高约翰霍普金斯医疗系统急诊科对中风的早期识别. Portable diagnostic devices will facilitate the use of telemedicine to deliver immediate expertise to the bedside. Automation of this process, currently underway in our AVERT clinical trial (Clinical Trials.(NCT02483429),将进一步提高准确性和效率. These projects will increase quality and decrease costs.

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我们将开发诊断准确性、误差和中风价值的可操作措施. Our first-generation Diagnostic Performance Dashboard will monitor harms from missed stroke and process failures, 向供应商提供反馈并确保各级问责制. We will conduct economic analyses of stroke interventions, identifying the highest value solutions.

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Newly-released AHRQ Effective Healthcare Program report authored by the Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center 约翰霍普金斯大学阿姆斯特朗研究所卓越诊断中心的专家们综合了20年的医学研究, providing critical new insights into the frequency, distribution, 以及急诊诊断错误的原因和相关危害. 

Get Involved


The Johns Hopkins University and the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine is seeking candidates for the Fellowship in 卓越的诊断. 申请截止日期为中晚 February, 2023.

联系人:Paul Bergl, (电子邮件保护)


想加入一个核心小组? 有兴趣成为合作伙伴? 对新计划有想法吗? Contact us at (电子邮件保护).

For those interested in a potential research partnership, please navigate to the research engagement interest form.

Annual 卓越的诊断 Summit



医疗误诊: More Common Than You Think

Dr. 大卫·纽曼-托克在本期播客中讨论了医疗误诊的影响.

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Armstrong Institute 卓越诊断中心

If you have any questions, please contact us at
443-287-7949 or (电子邮件保护).

Suite 701B


The Armstrong Institute 卓越诊断中心 provides resources for patients, providers, 科学家和管理人员共同努力应对误诊的挑战. Regularly featured in national media, 以下是教师和工作人员帮助提高公众对解决诊断错误问题的认识的渠道的集合.

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