The Gynecology and Obstetrics Alumni Society

When you chose Johns Hopkins to begin your career, 你加入了一个在你之前为医学铺平道路的校友家庭, 未来的校友们也会追随你们的脚步. 我们知道你在约翰霍普金斯医学院的教育只是你一生探索之旅的第一步, 成长和学习,并相信你值得成为一个社区的一部分,与你一起踏上这段旅程.

On This Page

Member Benefits

Exclusive members will receive:

  • 欢迎礼包,包括会员证书和领章
  • Access to special events and educational webinars
  • Groundbreaking department updates, 通过订阅系里和校友会的通讯来讲述故事和采访, and special society communications

Community News

From research to outreach, 我们的社区聚集在一起,为子孙后代引领推进医疗保健的道路. 探索一些影响约翰霍普金斯大学及其他大学女性健康的最新消息.

Uterine Fibroid Treatment Research

In a pre-clinical, 约翰霍普金斯医学院的概念验证研究, 研究人员发现没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG), 绿茶中一种具有强大抗氧化特性的化合物, 治疗和预防子宫肌瘤有希望吗.



妇产科医生Carolyn Sufrin最近在美国医学协会的一份报告中受到赞扬,因为她对被监禁的阿片类药物使用障碍孕妇的研究和倡导.

Carolyn Sufrin, in a formal portrait, wearing a light brown sleeveless blouse, smiling and crossing her arms

Top Ranked

约翰霍普金斯医院在产科方面排名第一 & Gynecology, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2023–24 Best Hospitals list.

top ranked in the nation


At Johns Hopkins’ Advanced Obstetric Surgery Center, Dr. 杰森·沃特和他的同事们努力解决推荐十大正规网赌平台经常遇到的这种和其他情况的问题, including placenta previa, prior hemorrhage, 心脏并发症或既往结直肠手术, among others.

A medical illustration depicts placenta accreta, 胎盘生长进入子宫或其他附近器官的情况

Meet Our Alumni

Photo Gallery

doctors at reception sit on couch
four people sit at a table
three people pose together
doctors at evening reception
3 fellows outside together
Residents at an Orioles Game
alumni gathered at table
Class of 2019
Fellows at SMFM
Gynecology students ice skating
class of 2016
alumni group at AAGL reception
  • 美国妇科腹腔镜医师协会(AAGL)校友招待会

    (from left to right) Dr. Esther Han, Dr. Harold Wu, Dr. Khara Simpson, Dr. Kristin Patzkowsky and Dr. Karen Wang

  • ASRM Alumni Reception

    Dr. Suheil Muasher and his wife, Lisa Muasher with Dr. Rick Meter and his wife, Patricia Meter

  • ASRM Alumni Reception

    Dr. Nabal Bracero和他的妻子Linette Sanchez. Segars

  • 美国妇科腹腔镜医师协会(AAGL)校友招待会

    Dr. Kelsey Musselman and Dr. Julia Wainger

  • Gynecologic oncology fellows

  • At an O's game in 2023

  • ASRM Alumni Reception

    Incoming fellow, Dr. 贾妮尔·杰克曼和她的丈夫拉蒂夫·优素福,现任研究员. Megan Gornet, Dr. Katherine Schmiech, and Dr. Anita Madison, and Dr. Cross

  • Class of 2019

  • 我们在一个母胎医学协会的活动上的同事

  • Ice skating with friends

  • Class of 2016

  • 美国妇科腹腔镜医师协会(AAGL)校友招待会

    AAGL Alumni Reception group photo