Interventional Radiology Residency Program

For students interested in interventional radiology, 约翰霍普金斯大学已经获得了ACGME批准的介入放射学综合住院医师资格,并在诊断放射学中实施了介入放射学早期专业化(ESIR)培训.

该项目致力于为那些在第一年之后决定从事介入放射学的住院医生提供各种可能的IR/DR培训, 如果他们发现他们更喜欢诊断放射学亚专业或分子成像,他们也可以灵活地选择不同的途径.

介入放射学培训包括接触广泛和大量的挽救生命的介入血管和肿瘤手术, 以及尖端的介入治疗只在一些经验丰富的医疗中心进行.

住院医师学习如何使用最先进的扫描仪和协议成像复杂的血管病理, critical to guiding interventional management. 约翰霍普金斯大学的住院医生在四年的诊断培训结束时,通常会解释500多个CT和MR血管造影检查,并将至少执行1个,000 procedures over the course of the 2 year IR residency.

Application Information


Clinical Training

约翰霍普金斯介入放射学(IR/DR)住院医师培训项目在范围和数量上都是最大的培训项目之一. Johns Hopkins has a large volume of dedicated inpatient IR admissions, 每个月有150-200名患者在外科门诊就诊,并由IR研究员管理繁忙的咨询服务.

Johns Hopkins Medicine Virtual Tour for Prospective Applicants

约翰霍普金斯大学医学虚拟之旅为潜在的奖学金申请者, residents and continuing medical education.

History of Teaching Excellence

A leader in interventional radiology, 约翰霍普金斯大学通过研究生奖学金培训进行正式介入放射学教育的历史是美国最古老的之一. The first IR fellowship class was in 1969 and, for many years, 是一个为期两年的培训项目,以“临床模式?,” with IR functioning as a clinical service, not just performing complex procedures. 由于医疗保健领域的持续变化和就业市场的力量, the IR fellowship transitioned to a one-year program in 2001, which is its current duration.

However, the need for longer and more structured, focused training in IR was recognized by the greater IR community. 2012年,美国医学专业委员会(American Board of Medical Specialties)正式投票认可IR为主要专业,这最终成为现实, and one that requires its own dedicated IR residency. The ACGME completed an IR residency training curriculum in 2014, 详细介绍了为期6年的IR综合培训路径/实习,并将于2020年终止IR奖学金. 致力于IR培训发展的遗产将在2020年约翰霍普金斯大学的新的IR实习中达到高潮.

Brian Holly is the director of the (IR/DR) Residency program. Maintaining the residency educational mission is a priority for Dr. Holly and the other IR faculty members dedicated to residency training. 六位才华横溢的认证医师助理作为同事和合作伙伴与IR研究员一起工作, serve to teach the fellows the optimal physician extension model.

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