
Kidney Discovery, Translational, and Clinical Research 

Our world-renowned research spans basic, translational, and clinical investigations. With strong collaborations across the Schools of Medicine and Public Health, 我们融合了基础科学和临床科学,以加快从实验室到床边到社区的研究成果的转化. 该部门的首要目标是改善有肾脏疾病风险或受肾脏疾病影响的患者和社区的生活. 


Basic Science Research

Hamid Rabb Lab

Dr. Rabb的实验室参与了旨在了解肾脏缺血/再灌注损伤的分子发病机制的转化研究. The lab is interested in the development of novel treatments for kidney IRI.

Principal Investigator

Hamid Rabb, MD

  • Medical Director of the Johns Hopkins Kidney Transplant Program

Expertise: Nephrology

Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Welling Laboratory

Dr. Paul A. Welling and his research team explore the genetic and molecular underpinnings of electrolyte physiology, potassium balance disorders, hypertension and kidney disease. 当前研究活动的一个主要推力是致力于了解有缺陷的基因和环境压力如何驱动高血压. 这项研究为西方饮食如何引发盐敏感基因的有害反应提供了新的见解. The Welling laboratory employs a multidisciplinary approach, spanning from gene discovery, molecular biology, genetically engineered mouse models to translational studies in humans. 通过阐明病理生理机制和翻译的发现,以发展更有效的诊断和治疗策略, 韦林的团队正在努力改善高危人群以及肾病和高血压患者的健康状况.

Dr. Welling is the Joseph S. and Esther Hander Professor of Laboratory Research in Nephrology. He has been continuously funded by the National Institutes of Health for over 25 years. Currently he serves as Coordinator of a Global Research Network, funded by the LeDucq Foundation. More about his research can be found here:

Lab Website

Principal Investigator

Clinical Research

C. John Sperati Lab

Dr. Sperati’s group focuses on complement mediated kidney disorders, glomerular disease, and renal arterial disease secondary to fibromuscular dysplasia. His team has a particular interest in thrombotic microangiopathies involving the complement system.

Principal Investigator

John Sperati, MD MHS

  • Director, Nephrology Fellowship Training Program

Expertise: Hospital Medicine, Nephrology

Primary Location: Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center, Baltimore, MD

Chirag Parikh Lab

Dr. Parikh的研究重点是翻译和验证用于急性肾损伤诊断和预后的新型生物标志物. 肾脏疾病的进展受到当前疾病定义的显著异质性的阻碍, which are largely based on serum creatinine. Dr. Parikh's research has addressed this critical challenge by developing biomarkers of renal tubular injury, repair, and inflammation to dissect this heterogeneity. 他召集了多中心纵推荐十大正规网赌平台瞻性队列,在多个急性肾损伤和慢性肾脏疾病的临床环境中进行转化研究,以有效翻译新的生物标志物.

他的研究致力于应用实验室和临床前实验中产生的发现, the development of clinical studies, and the design of clinical trials. Dr. Parikh's studies have refined the clinical definition in perioperative acute kidney in...jury and hepatorenal syndrome, developed strategies to reduce kidney discard in deceased donor transplantation, and advanced regulatory approvals of kidney injury biomarkers. 他还开发了生物标志物,在血清肌酐紊乱之前识别早期糖尿病肾病的快速进展者. Dr. Parikh的研究目标是将我们对病理生理机制的理解转化为临床实践,并改善肾脏疾病患者的预后.

Dr. Parikh has also been the recipient of numerous honors, including the 2017 Young Investigator Award from the American Society of Nephrology.
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Lab Website

Principal Investigator

Chirag Parikh, MBBS PhD

  • Director, Division of Nephrology

Expertise: Nephrology

Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Deidra Crews Lab

Dr. Crews’ team focuses on health disparities in chronic kidney disease. We have studied how social determinants of health, such as poverty and healthful food access, affect disparities in kidney disease outcomes. 我们对终末期肾脏疾病的研究包括在弱势人群中开始透析的最佳时机和环境的研究.

Principal Investigator

Deidra Crews, MD

  • Deputy Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity

Expertise: Hospital Medicine, Nephrology

Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Duvuru Geetha Lab

Dr. Geetha的团队专注于全身性血管炎患者的肾脏疾病以及肾移植患者的BK病毒肾病. 我们的研究包括利妥昔单抗与环孢素治疗特发性膜性肾病的有效性的临床试验,以及贝利单抗与硫唑嘌呤维持多血管炎和显微镜下多血管炎肉芽肿病缓解的多国研究. We also have conducted research on the treatment of ANCA vasculitis, particularly in kidney transplant patients.

Principal Investigator

Duvuru Geetha, MBBS

  • Associate Director, Johns Hopkins Vasculitis Center

Expertise: Nephrology

Primary Location: Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD

Edward Kraus Lab

Dr. Kraus的研究小组调查了影响肾脏移植长期成功或失败的因素,以及少数民族肾脏学护理和移植的障碍. We research many topics dealing with kidney transplant rejection, including diagnostic criteria, infection risk and incompatibility factors. 我们的实验室对胰腺移植也有长期的兴趣,并进行了研究,以建立诊断抗体介导的胰腺异体移植排斥反应的指南-更新的Banff分级方案.

Principal Investigator

Edward S Kraus, MD

Expertise: Nephrology

Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Mohamed Atta Lab

Dr. Atta和他的研究小组探索了各种肾脏疾病的流行病学和临床干预措施. 我们的目标不仅是促进对许多肾脏疾病的了解,而且还利用基础科学的新发现来治疗各种罕见和常见的肾脏疾病.

    • 一种罕见形式的淀粉样蛋白(LECT2淀粉样蛋白)的多国际观察研究,以了解其自然历史与治疗这种疾病的最终利益.
    • 我们小组已经启动了一个项目,调查covid - 19对肾脏的影响,以确定影响不同临床表型结果的风险因素
    • In collaboration with the Division of Infectious Diseases and the School of Public Health, our research has focused on the epidemiology of HIV and kidney disease. We also study clinical markers and contributing factors in the progression of kidney disease, and the association between kidney disease and h...eart disease.
    • 我们的研究小组正在参与一个多中心联盟,作为临床核心站点,通过提供具有良好特征的临床标本和相应的临床和实验室数据来研究hiv相关肾脏疾病的发病机制.

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Principal Investigator

Mo Atta, MD MPH

  • Medical Director, Renal HIV clinic

Expertise: Nephrology

Primary Location: Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD

Nada Alachkar Lab

Dr. Alachkar's research focuses on recurrent glomerular diseases post kidney transplantation. In particular, she has been studying recurrent FSGS post kidney transplant in several, partially NIH funded, prospective research projects that focuses on circulating factors associate with recurrent FSGS and new therapies of recurrent FSGS; in addition to the outcome of the disease. Also, Dr. Alachkar是Banff复发性GN工作组的主席,该工作组专注于复发性GN的病理变化.

Dr. Alachkar's other research focus is incompatible living and diseases donor transplant. 她有几项正在进行的研究,重点是抗菌素耐药性和供体特异性抗体阳性患者的结果.

Principal Investigator

Nada Alachkar, MD

  • Medical Director, Incompatible Kidney Transplant Program

Expertise: Hospital Medicine, Nephrology

Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Stephen Sozio Lab

Dr. Sozio’s research focuses on 1) Clinical research related to chronic kidney disease and end stage renal disease, and 2) Educational research in undergraduate and graduate medical education.

The Sozio lab pursues work related to stroke, cognitive impairment, manifestations of kidney disease, and systematic reviews on clinical topics, and collaborates on multiple projects with other key investigators. In particular, Dr. Sozio has been an active investigator in the Choices for Healthy Outcomes in Caring for ESRD (CHOICE) Study, Predictors of Arrhythmic and Cardiovascular Risk in End Stage Renal Disease (PACE) Study, Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study, 以及由医疗保健研究与质量局(AHRQ)和约翰霍普金斯循证实践中心资助的工作. In addition, the Sozio lab performs studies at the UME and GME levels, investing in understanding learners’ mentorship, research, and transitional experiences.

Principal Investigator

Steve M. Sozio, MD

  • Nathans Faculty Leader, Colleges Advisory Program

Expertise: Nephrology

Primary Location: Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD

Steven Menez Lab

Dr. Menez and his laboratory are interested in clinical and translational acute kidney injury (AKI) research, specifically with a focus on the transition between AKI and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Dr. Menez has investigated novel approaches to evaluate AKI using biomarkers of kidney injury, inflammation, and repair in the multi-center TRIBE-AKI and ASSESS-AKI Studies. Dr. Menez collaborates nationwide through the NIDDK-sponsored Kidney Precision Medicine Project, 目的是提高全球对肾脏疾病亚群的了解,并为新疗法确定新的途径和靶点.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, he has additionally investigated the impact of COVID19 on kidney health, including short-term outcomes including need for dialysis or in-hospital mortality, as well as longer-term outcomes post-hospital discharge.

Research Areas: acute kidney injurychronic kidney disease

Principal Investigator

Steven P. Menez, MD MHS

Expertise: Nephrology

Primary Location: Johns Hopkins Community Physicians - Johns Hopkins Health Care & Surgery Center, White Marsh, Nottingham, MD

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