Johns Hopkins Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship

The Johns Hopkins Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship is a one-year, ACGME-accredited, 临床奖学金,其使命是培养下一代国家老年精神病学专家. Clinical rotations include inpatient geriatric psychiatry, long-term care, consultation-liaison, palliative care, 与老年医学合作,为居家老人提供创新的外展经验, 以及纵向门诊护理在几个老年精神病学和记忆诊所. 所有的研究员都有专门的学习时间和教学机会, and receive individualized mentorship from our dedicated faculty.

Susan Lehmann, M.D.

Welcome from Fellowship Director

As the population of older adults continues to increase, 需要精神病治疗的老年人数量也在稳步增加. 大约14-20%的65岁以上成年人有严重的精神健康和/或物质使用障碍. In addition, 65岁以后,认知障碍和痴呆的发病率显著增加,并常伴有神经精神症状. As a result, 对老年精神病学领域的专家和领导者的需求从未如此之大. 

The Johns Hopkins Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship is an ACGME-accredited, one-year, 临床研究金,为有精神健康症状的老年人提供精神评估和治疗方面的高级培训. Started over 40 years ago by nationally known geriatric psychiatrist, Dr. Peter Rabins, 约翰霍普金斯老年精神病学奖学金的使命是培养和准备下一代老年精神病学专家,他们将成为未来几年指导该领域所需的创新社区和国家领导人.  该奖学金的毕业生继续在学术医学和社区实践中担任领导职务. 

Geriatric psychiatry fellows and mentors 

该奖学金是约翰霍普金斯大学医学院精神病学和行为科学系的一个组成部分. 研究员受益于成为该系活跃的学术生活的一部分, which has strong connections with the departments of neurology, general internal medicine and geriatrics, and from engagement in the wider Johns Hopkins Medicine community.

老年精神病学是一个短缺的专业,它是一个非常有益的职业道路, with tremendous opportunity for career growth for the future. 

Susan W. Lehmann, MD
Johns Hopkins Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship Director

Contact Us

有关约翰霍普金斯老年精神病学奖学金计划的进一步信息或任何问题, please contact the Fellowship Director:
Susan W. Lehmann, MD
[email protected]