Clinical Interventions


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Non-Medication Interventions



咨询是一个笼统的术语,用来描述由专业人士进行的谈话治疗,其主要目的是帮助推荐十大正规网赌平台停止吸毒. It may also deal with practical patient needs for services to support their drug abstinence. There are different counseling techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, twelve-step facilitation, and contingency management which can be provided by a licensed addictions counselor, a mental health therapist, a nurse, a psychologist, a physician, or social worker. Counseling can occur in various settings including a physician’s office, a clinic, an intensive outpatient treatment, a partial hospitalization program, or during inpatient treatment. It may accompany methadone maintenance treatment, office based buprenorphine treatment, or smoking cessation treatment. 所提供咨询的数量与药物滥用计划的强度有关.

Group Therapy

团体治疗将患者定期聚集在一起讨论药物使用和保持戒断的努力. This type of therapy is led by a professional who keeps the group focused, maintains the rules, and limits individuals who try to monopolize the group’s time and attention. But the patients in the group have the primary role in the therapeutic process. Using their own experience, they can confront other patients’ behavior as peers. 最好的小组有一个稳定的骨干成员,他们一起发展和成熟,并提供相互支持. Group therapy can occur in inpatient and outpatient settings, both short and long-term.

Family and Couples Counseling

在适当的情况下,为正在接受药物滥用障碍治疗的患者的家庭和伴侣提供咨询是非常有用的,并且通常是在其他治疗模式的背景下提供的,例如美沙酮维持或部分住院治疗. The family of an adolescent in treatment is often critical. 配偶或伴侣可以提供关键支持,帮助患者实现或保持禁欲. 家庭和夫妻咨询最好由专门从事这类咨询的专业人士提供.

Medications for Opioid Dependence or Addiction

Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome

阿片类药物戒断对患者来说是一种痛苦和不舒服的经历,但通常不会危及生命.  当身体上依赖阿片类药物的人停止或显着减少他们服用的阿片类药物量时,就会发生这种情况. Not all of the signs and symptoms of for a person going through withdrawal, but some of these will typically occur:

Diarrhea Perspiration  Restlessness
Dysphoria (depression) Poor sleep Runny eyes
Feeling tired Pupillary dilation Runny nose
Gooseflesh Loss of appetite Sweating
Irritability Muscle cramps Vomiting
Joint aches Nausea Yawning



美沙酮是一种被批准用于治疗阿片类药物依赖或成瘾的药物. It can help prevent very distressing and uncomfortable opioid withdrawal symptoms. 它阻断了其他阿片类药物的作用,所以当另一种阿片类药物被替代时,患者不会感到“兴奋”. And it decreases the craving that a person feels to use opioids. It is also a very effective pain medication.

When used for opioid dependence, 美沙酮用于阿片类药物戒断(解毒)或维持阿片类药物戒断. 如果阿片类药物依赖患者在多次尝试戒断后复发,他们将参加美沙酮维持治疗.

Methadone is swallowed, often given in liquid form, 并通过特殊诊所(阿片类药物治疗项目或OTPs)提供,用于治疗阿片类药物依赖. When used for opioid addiction, methadone is taken once a day, beginning with daily visits to an OTP, and later receiving doses to take at home.

OTP的美沙酮治疗通常伴随着非药物治疗,如咨询. While methadone alone can be useful for some patients, a combination of treatments types improves the outcome for the patient.


Buprenorphine is a medication approved for use in the treatment of opioid dependence. Like methadone, buprenorphine can help prevent very distressing and uncomfortable opioid withdrawal symptoms. 它阻断了其他阿片类药物的作用,所以当另一种阿片类药物被替代时,患者不会感到“兴奋”. And it decreases the craving that a person feels to use opioids. 它也是一种止痛药,通常通过注射在医院治疗疼痛. When used to treat opioid dependence, it is given as a tablet that dissolves under the tongue, or a soluble film (like a breath film strip) that is put in the mouth. 丁丙诺啡可用于阿片类药物戒断(解毒)或维持治疗.

In contract to methadone, 丁丙诺啡可以由经过培训和认证的医生开处方来治疗阿片类药物依赖, saving the patient travel to a special clinic for treatment. Buprenorphine has a relatively long duration of effects. It is usually taken once a day but, for some patients, the frequency can stretch to every other day or every third day.

Sometime buprenorphine itself is abused by dissolving the tablet or film and injecting it. In order to prevent this, it is often blended with another medication called naloxone, which makes the abuser ill if injected.

Oral Naltrexone

Naltrexone is a medication approved for use in the treatment of both opioid dependence and alcoholism. Unlike methadone and buprenorphine, naltrexone is not used for the treatment of pain. 口服形式以片剂形式吞下,从每天一次到每周三次服用 (for what purpose? Maintenance?). 阿片类药物依赖者在服用纳曲酮之前完全戒除阿片类药物是很重要的, otherwise it can precipitate opioid withdrawal syndrome. 纳曲酮还能阻断美沙酮和丁丙诺啡等阿片类药物的中毒作用. 它可以由医生开处方(不需要特殊证明),使患者不必去专门的诊所.

Injectable Naltrexone

In addition to the oral form of naltrexone, an injectable form is available to treat opioid dependence and alcoholism. 注射形式每月一次,可由医生开处方,无需特别证明. Again, the patient does not need to go to a special clinic.

Medications for Alcoholism


Disulfiram is approved for the treatment of alcoholism and has been used for decades. 它的作用是阻止一种参与酒精代谢的酶(乙醛脱氢酶). When a person taking disulfiram drinks alcohol, 他们的身体不能有效地代谢酒精产生的乙醛(乙醛在他们体内积聚). This results in what is called a ‘disulfiram reaction’ which is unpleasant. The person can experience nausea, vomiting, flushing, headache, and shortness of breath. Not all of these symptoms may occur, but in some cases the reaction can be quite severe.

Disulfiram is meant to help motivate the person to not drink. Ideally, the person taking disulfiram never feels the effects of it. Disulfiram can be prescribed by a physician without specialized training, and the patient does not need to attend a special clinic.

Oral Naltrexone

纳曲酮是一种被批准用于治疗酒精依赖和阿片类药物依赖的药物. 它以片剂形式吞下,可以从每天一次到每周三次服用.

目前还不清楚为什么纳曲酮在治疗酒精中毒时有效,也不是每个人都认为它有效, but multiple studies have shown that it can be helpful for many.


Injectable Naltrexone

In addition to the oral form of naltrexone, 这种药物有一种可注射的形式,可用于治疗酒精和阿片类药物依赖 . 这种形式的纳曲酮每月服用一次,可以由没有专门培训的医生开处方, saving trip so to a special clinic.


Acamprosate is approved for the treatment of alcoholism. Again, 这种药物是如何起作用的还不是很清楚,但研究表明,它能有效地帮助人们戒酒. Acamprosate is taken by mouth three times per day. It can be prescribed by a physician with no specialized training.

Self-Help Programs

也许最常见的自助计划是匿名戒酒会(AA)及其变体, Narcotics Anonymous. AA and its associated programs are often called ‘twelve-step programs’, 因为他们的特点是参与者在戒毒过程中采取的十二个步骤. While the twelve-step programs are generally well-known, there are other programs as well ---- SMART Recovery, Women for Sobriety, Secular Organizations for Sobriety/Save Our Selves, and Moderation Management.

这些项目的一个显著特点是,它们是由项目参与者运行的, unlike group therapy, where a professional leads the group. 而专业提供的服务,如个人和团体治疗,则需要患者支付费用, there is no charge for attending an AA or NA meeting.

Self-help programs can have an important role in recovering from a substance abuse problem. 无数人仅仅通过这些团体的帮助就成功地保持了对毒品的戒断. In addition, 自助计划通常与治疗服务相协调,如密集门诊或部分住院治疗. While attending a self-help program may not be right for everyone, these programs serve an invaluable role in helping persons achieve and maintain abstinence.