Our Approach to Brain Tumor Treatment

The Johns Hopkins Difference

By partnering with the Comprehensive Brain Tumor Center, 您将有机会获得由该领域领先的专家提供的最先进的治疗方案,他们每年治疗数百例脑肿瘤.


来自不同领域的25位专家每周开会讨论案例, 制定最佳治疗方案,并与约翰霍普金斯医学院的众多专业协调护理.

Discovery and Innovation

Our experts don't just treat brain tumors, they study them in the lab, too, 更深入地了解疾病是如何起作用的,以及哪些临床试验可能对特定患者有益. 


我们的专家考虑了许多因素来指导他们的护理建议, including your medical history, tumor location, type, grade, aggressiveness, tumor genetics and more.

Our Approach to Brain Tumor Care

Addressing the Tumor


Brain Tumor Surgery

我们的神经外科医生在许多外科技术和方法上都很熟练. 他们与神经整形外科医生一起工作,以确保你的外表在肿瘤切除后得到保留.


神经肿瘤学家是专门研究神经系统肿瘤的医生. 他们可以帮助你制定一个全面的治疗计划,并管理癌症或癌症治疗的神经系统影响.

Radiation Oncology

Radiation oncologists are experts in radiation therapies, including targeted radiation used to shrink or halt brain cancer. 它们有助于确定放射治疗的最佳时机、剂量和递送方式.


神经放射学和影像学专家是脑成像技术方面的专家. 准确的影像有助于神经肿瘤学家和外科医生做出诊断, 告知治疗计划并指导手术和放射治疗.


病理学家从样本或切除后检查肿瘤,以确定肿瘤是良性还是恶性,并确定其等级和分类. 他们还测试肿瘤的某些遗传标记,以确定其起源.


遗传学家分析肿瘤细胞的DNA以寻找基因突变. This can help determine if you are a fit for a clinical trial. 遗传咨询师提供与遗传条件有关的脑肿瘤的教育和指导.

Supporting You in Brain Tumor Care

Once the tumor has been treated, you may need additional care. 约翰霍普金斯大学提供各种各样的服务,帮助你找回自我.

Rehabilitation Therapy

Physical, occupation and speech-language therapists work with you to address speech, swallowing, movement, 因肿瘤或肿瘤治疗导致的平衡和其他损伤.

Hearing and Vision Care

如果你在脑肿瘤治疗期间出现视力或听力问题, 耳鼻喉科和神经眼科的专家可以建议如何尽可能地恢复这些感觉.

Patient and Family Services / Social Work

Patient and family services program at the Kimmel Cancer Center offers emotional support, housing and transportation assistance, help with finances and legal matters, and other day-to-day coping support for people with cancer.

Fertility Preservation

Brain cancer treatment can affect fertility. 如果您担心这一点,我们的专家团队可以帮助您选择合适的 fertility preservation method.

Palliative Care

Palliative care specialists 确保您在脑肿瘤治疗期间舒适无痛, 以及在你与疾病作斗争时,在许多方面支持你和你的家人.

Brain Tumor Treatment Advances

脑肿瘤研究人员和临床医生正在开发新的治疗方法,以改善患者的治疗效果,并尽量减少常见的副作用. Explore recent innovations:

Collaborative Care for Better Outcomes

  • Neuroplastic Surgery

    When a neurosurgeon works alongside a plastic surgeon, 你可以得到两全其美的效果:对你的病情进行有效的治疗,同时重建任何产生的颅骨缺陷.

  • Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center

    坎摩尔癌症中心为脑癌患者提供了大量资源, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, radiosurgery, clinical trials and more. 我们的密切合作确保了患者护理的顺利协调,这些患者可以从这些治疗中受益.

  • Proton Therapy


Schedule an Appointment


Learn more about appointments and referrals.

For patients seeking an evaluation for a brain tumor:

Adult Neurosurgery: 410-955-6406 

Pediatric Neurosurgery: 410-955-7337


Kimmel Cancer Center: 410-955-8964

For international patients traveling to the U.S. to receive care:

 Johns Hopkins Medicine International: +1-410-502-7683

Request an appointment online