Audiology Hearing Services for All Ages

In the past 20 years, 听力保健经历了一场革命, 新的助听器比以前更小更有效. 从听力损失的孤立中走出来从来没有比现在更好的时机了.

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Multidisciplinary Team

Our skilled multidisciplinary team can help you with both commonplace and unusual audiology disorders

icon of hands gathering in a cricle.

Comprehensive Care

We offer each patient a thorough and comprehensive approach that encompasses medical, 通过手术和行为治疗来提高你的生活质量.


Johns Hopkins has been at the forefront of audiology research and technology for over a century. 


What is Tinnitus?

执业护士瑞秋·希西姆讨论耳鸣的情况, 哪一种是一只耳朵或两只耳朵嗡嗡作响. 治疗方案和策略补偿耳鸣也进行了讨论. 


Pediatric Audiology

如果你怀疑你的孩子有听力损失, 第一步是进行听力测试以确定原因. Prompt intervention matters: Children with hearing loss who are identified and receive appropriate treatment early are more likely to fulfill expected developmental milestones.



Audiology Resources

Your most important resources for audiology information are your audiologist and otolaryngologist (ENT). 互联网上也有很多关于听力损失、助听器等方面的信息. Please check with your health care provider to make sure online information is accurate for your unique situation.

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