
Bariatric Surgery

Michael A. Schweitzer, MD

  • Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Bariatric Surgery

约翰霍普金斯大学的减肥外科奖学金是一个有着20年历史的成熟且不断发展的项目. 它提供了一个全面的临床经验,重点是减肥手术,并通过美国代谢和减肥手术学会(ASMBS)和奖学金委员会的认可.

该项目为期一年,主要位于约翰霍普金斯大学湾景医学院, where the Johns Hopkins bariatric surgery program is based. Fellows in this program gain exposure to various bariatric procedures, particularly sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, revisional surgery, SADI-s (loop duodenal switch). 机器人手术非常受重视,占手术总数的50%以上. A team of five experienced attending physicians in bariatric surgery, mentors and guides the fellow throughout their training. While the prime focus is on bariatric surgery, 在腹壁重建和前肠手术中也有更多的机会. 在这个项目的研究员预计作为初级教员完全录取, surgical, independent clinic, and call privileges, offering a comprehensive and hands-on experience in patient care. For successful completion of the fellowship, 该研究员应符合ASMBS研究员培训的所有标准.

To apply for this fellowship, 准候选人应使用奖学金理事会的申请程序. 所有与面试、截止日期和匹配信息相关的重要日期都可以从网站上获得 Fellowship Council's website.

Breast Surgery

Olutayo Sogunro, DO MS

  • Assistant Professor of Surgery

这是一个多学科的奖学金,旨在使研究员接触到涉及乳腺患者护理的每一个专业. Five months are devoted to breast surgery and seven to medical oncology, radiation oncology, plastic surgery, breast imaging, pathology, genetics, research and other disciplines. Fellows learn from world-class faculty. The required reading is intensive, 提供指导当代实践的最具影响力的临床试验的全面调查.

Johns Hopkins is a Regional Health Care System. Most of the rotations occur on the historic East Baltimore campus. 研究员还将在约翰霍普金斯大学霍华德县医疗中心进行一个月的乳房手术服务, Johns Hopkins Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., and Johns Hopkins Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. 在贝塞斯达和华盛顿度过的两个月将提供当地住宿.

Learn more about the fellowship program.

The Breast Surgery Fellowship is generously supported by the annual PVDA Ride for Life Event.

Cardiothoracic Surgery

Ahmet Kilic, MD

  • Director, Heart Transplantation
  • Associate Professor of Cardiac Surgery

心胸外科在完成外科住院医师后提供为期三年的心胸外科培训计划. 作为初级心脏外科医生的第一年平均分配在红色和蓝色心脏外科服务. During the second year, 六个月专门用于普通胸外科服务,六个月作为胸外科的局部选修经验, cardac, or endovascular surgery. 住院医师的第三年是作为心脏外科的总住院医师,分为红色和蓝色心脏外科服务.

在选择性轮转期间,胸科和二年级的研究员与两名初级心脏病研究员一起进行内部呼叫轮转平均每四个晚上有一个晚上. 这四位住院医师负责所有推荐十大正规网赌平台的术前和术后护理. 住院总医师轮流从家里接到急诊电话,包括器官移植. 

The Johns Hopkins Hospital has a long history of training academic surgeons, both in general and cardiothoracic surgery. Hopkins cardiac surgery has been directed by leaders in the field, including Alfred Blalock, Vincent Gott, Bruce Reitz, William Baumgartner, Jennifer Lawton and now Ahmet Kilic. 该部门努力通过培养临床专业知识来保持这一传统, scientific inquiry, and intellectual development, the essence of an academic surgeon. To accomplish this goal, 心胸外科的培训项目在学院氛围中提供了丰富的临床和手术经验, a diverse house staff and faculty interested in teaching, and a wide variety of clinical and basic research experiences.

Learn more about the program

Surgical Critical Care

Pam A. Lipsett, MD

  • Program Director, Surgical Critical Care
  • Professor of Surgery

外科重症监护住院医师培训计划是一个为期一年的奖学金,向完成约翰霍普金斯大学或其他经批准的普通外科培训计划的外科医生开放. 完成本课程的研究员有资格获得外科重症监护特殊资格证书.

Endocrine Surgery

Aarti Mathur, MD

  • Associate Vice Chair of Faculty Development
  • Associate Professor of Surgery

The Endocrine Surgery Fellowship at Johns Hopkins is a comprehensive, 根据正式课程组织的综合项目,由博士监督. Aarti Mathur and Dr. Lilah Morris-Wiseman. Our main objective is to provide multi-disciplinary, broad, 并为希望在这一领域发展的外科医生提供内分泌外科方面的高级培训. Fellows will develop mastery of the preoperative evaluation, intra-operative techniques, postoperative management, 与病理生理学相关的内分泌外科疾病患者的护理. Participating departments and divisions include Endocrine Surgery, Surgical Oncology, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Endocrinology, Cytopathology, Ultrasonography, and Nuclear Medicine.

The annual caseload is comprised of over 750 thyroidectomies, parathyroidectomies and neck dissections, and 50 adrenalectomies. 其他高级技术,其中包括微创甲状旁腺切除术的研究员将成为熟练, laparoscopic adrenalectomy, posterior retroperitoneal adrenalectomy, neck dissections, endoscopic transoral thyroidectomy, laryngoscopy, neck ultrasonography, and ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration. 该研究员将在组织和监督我们每周的内分泌外科教学会议方面发挥领导作用,并将积极参加我们定期的多学科甲状腺和肾上腺病例会议. The fellow will also participate in Endocrine Surgery University, develop and execute clinical research projects, 并准备相关的摘要/手稿提交给专业学术会议和同行评审的科学期刊.

Pediatric Surgery

Samuel Alaish, MD

  • 外科主任,霍普金斯肠道活力和增强资源(THRIVE)
  • Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery

儿科外科培训计划在两年的时间里提供了密集和广泛的儿科外科实践机会. During the first year, 该研究员轮流在约翰霍普金斯医院和马里兰大学医院工作六个月,为两所大型大学的临床人群提供经验. The second year is spent at Johns Hopkins. An optional third year of research training also is offered. 该计划的候选人是通过儿科外科住院医师匹配计划选择的.

Learn more about the fellowship program.

Surgical Oncology

Kelly Jeanne Lafaro, MD MPH

  • Assistant Professor of Surgery

合并后的约翰霍普金斯医疗机构是世界上最大的私人非营利性医疗中心之一. The medical institutions consist of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, and the Bloomberg School of Public Health; all of which are located on the same campus in East Baltimore. The Johns Hopkins Hospital is a 1,000-bed tertiary/quaternary care facility with 45 operating rooms, 40,000 annual admissions and 26,000 operations per year. More than 5,000 cancer cases are seen per year at Johns Hopkins, of which more than 70% are treated surgically. Sidney Kimmel综合癌症中心有100多名教职员工致力于照顾癌症患者.

The Johns Hopkins Surgical Oncology program is an ACGME approved, two-year, post-residency fellowship. Two fellows per year are accepted into the program. Each fellow is designated to one of two tracks, depending on the interest of the applicant; 1) General/Research and 2) Hepatopancreaticobiliary (HPB). Qualified applicants are interviewed, ranked, and accepted through the national match, 申请人可以通过不同的匹配指定申请每个赛道. The first year for both fellows is composed of core rotations. Specifically, the trainee rotates clinically on gastrointestinal / HPB oncology, colorectal, breast, melanoma/sarcoma, endocrine surgery, medical oncology, and radiation oncology services. For the General/Research fellow, 第二年被设计为选修年,以最佳地适应受训人员的特定研究兴趣,并在特定的外科领域提供额外的临床经验. Robotic training is emphasized in HPB and GI surgery. hhp指定的研究员第二年致力于该领域的临床重点. 两位研究员都将接受临床癌症研究的核心培训,并有望参与, design, and conduct clinical research during their training. 这个教学式的教育计划为研究员提供了各种各样的每周会议,让他们在培训期间参加和参与. 整个项目旨在培养一群经过精心挑选的外科肿瘤学家,他们将为21世纪提供学术领导.

Johns Hopkins Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program

The Johns Hopkins Surgical Oncology program is an ACGME approved, two-year, post-residency fellowship. 每年有两名研究员被纳入该计划,每个人都被指定为一般/研究或肝胰胆. 一般/研究的第二年是选修的一年,以适应受训人员的特定研究兴趣,并在特定的外科领域提供额外的临床经验. hhp指定的研究员第二年致力于该领域的临床重点.

Transplantation Surgery

Betsy A. King, MD PhD

  • Surgical Director, Pediatric Transplant
  • Assistant Professor of Surgery

为期两年的移植奖学金开放给完成约翰霍普金斯大学或其他经批准的普通外科培训计划的外科医生. Fellows completing this program will have experience in adult renal, pancreatic and hepatic transplantation, as well as pediatric renal and hepatic transplantation.

Multi-Organ Transplant Fellowship

感谢您对约翰霍普金斯大学医学院多器官移植奖学金项目的兴趣. 我们的奖学金为来自美国和国外的有才华的住院医生提供机会,在全国最好的医院之一的独特创新项目中进行培训, with the #1 ranked surgical residency. 多器官移植奖学金是asts认证的为期两年的肝脏和肾脏移植培训项目. We are also ASTS approved to provide Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary certification. 我们有三名研究员在我们的项目中轮岗我们每年接受一到两名移植研究员.

所有的外科手术都由我们的移植教师和研究员进行. 我们的教师是由经验丰富和学术成功的领导者在移植. 我们与其他项目的不同之处在于,由于我们的教师和医院的声誉,来自世界各地的临床不同患者被转介到约翰霍普金斯综合移植中心.

Learn more about the fellowship program.

Trauma and Acute Care Surgery

Katherine Laura Florecki, MD

  • Assistant Professor of Surgery

The Trauma & 约翰霍普金斯医院的急症护理外科奖学金已经发展为培训外科医生,以满足全国范围内日益认识到的紧急外科治疗需求. 为期一年的奖学金要求获得美国外科委员会的认证或普通外科的资格,可以作为一个独立的一年完成,也可以在我们认可的多学科外科重症监护奖学金的两年序列中完成. Trauma & 急症护理外科研究员在约翰霍普金斯医院和约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心担任初级教员的角色,拥有完全的入院和手术特权.

该奖学金提供了广泛的临床暴露在许多方面的急性护理手术和创伤. 研究员负责综合急性护理和创伤服务,并在我们的一级(JHH)和二级(Bayview)成人创伤中心承担内部主治电话. 创伤人群广泛暴露于手术创伤管理, 因为JHH医院大约40%的病例和Bayview医院25%的病例是由穿透机制引起的. Additionally, 研究员有机会治疗复杂和多样化的急性护理手术人群和安排选择性病例.

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Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy

Christopher Joseph Abularrage, MD

  • The Bertram M. Bernheim Professor of Surgery
  • Professor of Surgery

血管外科和血管内治疗奖学金使我们的毕业生有资格参加由美国外科委员会管理的血管外科认证考试. 这个为期两年的临床课程提供了广泛的循环系统疾病的诊断和管理的综合经验, including arterial, venous and lymphatic disease; as well as a high volume of thoracoabdominal and complex open aortic/visceral segment reconstructions and lower extremity tibial/pedal bypasses. 研究员将参与门诊推荐十大正规网赌平台的评估和随访, receive ample training in our IAC-accredited Vascular Laboratory, manage the vascular surgery inpatient and outpatient services, participate in clinical research projects, and present findings at regional and national meetings. 该奖学金适用于完成五年普通外科培训的个人. 要了解更多信息,请访问血管外科和血管内治疗奖学金页面.