Preparing for Brain Surgery

Once your treatment plan has been designed, we will provide you with both written and verbal instructions. 以下一般信息可能有助于我们计划一些程序.

我们的办公室会联系您的保险公司进行预授权. 你也会从你的医生办公室收到你的术前预约时间表.

Preoperative Testing

在你预定手术的两周内,你将需要一个病史和体格检查. 如果你的保险公司要求这是由你的初级保健医生执行, 请安排您自己的预约,并要求您的初级保健医生尽快将结果传真到我们的办公室. Regardless of insurance, 您需要在约翰霍普金斯门诊中心的术前中心预约以下事项:

  • Review of outside history and physical
  • 手术前的饮食和必要的药物服用说明
  • 与护士或医生讨论麻醉以及手术前会发生的事情


  • Blood tests
  • Chest x-ray
  • EKG
  • MRI or CT scan

Consent Forms

在要求你签署三份同意书之前,你的外科医生会告诉你手术的好处和风险,并回答你可能有的任何问题. When possible, this will take place at your clinic visit.


手术前后,你将继续服用大部分常规药物. 你的医生也可能会要求你服用一些额外的药物. They may include the following:

  • 地塞米松(地塞米松®)是一种类固醇,有助于防止大脑肿胀. The swelling can be caused by the tumor or surgery. You will take this medication before, during and after surgery.
  • 如果你服用了类固醇,医生还会给你开胃保护剂,因为类固醇会引起胃部不适和刺激.
  • Anti-seizure medications are also prescribed for some patients. Depending on the location of the tumor or the type of surgery, brain irritation that can lead to seizures can occur.
  • When you are discharged from the hospital after the surgery, 您将获得关于如何在家中继续服用这些药物的额外说明.

Do not take Aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. Advil®) for at least two weeks before your surgery. 你的药剂师可以识别非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDS). 如果你的医生让你服用阿司匹林或血液稀释剂, such as warfarin (Coumadin®), please check with him/her before stopping. 如果你对药物有任何疑问,或者如果你有任何你认为是由药物引起的问题, please call your neurosurgeon’s office directly.

MRI or CT Scans

在手术前一两天对你的大脑进行特殊的核磁共振或CT检查. This is called a WAND MRI or CT. 小的,圆形的贴纸(基准点)将被放置在你的头部周围,然后进行扫描. 我们要求您在手术前不要移除这些贴纸-但如果有一两个脱落,请不要担心. 这意味着你可以不洗头后的基准放置. 这使得外科医生可以在手术室中使用导航系统, 通过提供你大脑的图像来帮助他/她切除你的肿瘤.


You are usually admitted on the day of surgery. An IV will be placed in your arm. 在你入睡后,将会有额外的静脉注射和导尿管. 这将在术前进一步详细说明.

Surgical Experience

Your surgeon will have one or more assistants. Anesthesiologists and nurses are also in the operating room. 手术时间根据肿瘤的大小和位置而定. Your family should wait in the OR waiting room. 这将使手术室的工作人员在手术过程中向你的家人通报最新情况, 你的外科医生会在手术完成后和你的家人谈谈.

The Patient Experience | Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery

如果你或你所爱的人被安排在约翰霍普金斯医院做手术, find out what to expect on the day of the procedure. 请收看本节目,了解更多关于手术地点和患者康复地点的信息.

After Surgery

You will probably be in the Neuro-Critical Care Unit (NCCU) overnight. 你会有静脉注射和心脏监护仪,膀胱里也会有导尿管. 一个宽松的面罩可以戴在你的嘴上,这样可以输送氧气. 你还需要在头上敷一两天药. 当你离开ncccu时,你会去一个神经外科护理单位. A typical hospital stay is three or four days. 术后第二天将进行MRI或CT扫描.

You should not experience a lot of pain after surgery. Most people take acetaminophen (Tylenol®) for minor discomfort. 如果你有任何疼痛或头痛,让你的护士知道,你的药物可以改变, if necessary.

我们希望你在手术后的第一天就能下床吃饭和散步. 一旦你正常进食和饮水,静脉注射器将从你的手臂上取出. 护士会记录你吃了什么,喝了什么,还有你尿了多少. You may be told to drink less than usual for a few days.

You can bring some comfortable clothes (e.g., a bathrobe) to wear after surgery.

After you are released from the hospital, 请打电话给你的外科医生办公室预约手术时间.

Postoperative Visit

手术后一周左右就会拆下订书钉或缝线. In some cases, they will need to stay in for two weeks. Please call your neurosurgeon’s office to schedule this. 你可以在手术后两天用洗发水洗头,即使你有镫骨或针脚. Once they are removed, however, please wait 24 hours to shampoo. 一旦你可以洗头,请使用温和的婴儿洗发水.

Expectations After Brain Tumor Treatment

神经外科医生Jon Weingart解释了脑肿瘤患者及其家人在脑肿瘤手术和/或化疗后可能期望的后续护理.


通常需要一周的时间来确定肿瘤的名称. 你的外科医生会在你来做术后检查时再看一遍这份报告.

Our Brain Tumor Care Locations